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The best blank decks according to Ben Degros

When we launched Canada Skate Shop in the spring of 2020, Ben Degros was co-owner of the shop, and we set out to find the best blank decks available on the market.

With the number of decks skaters go through every year, we wanted to offer the best value possible to our customers. This meant finding top quality blanks to sell to our customers.

ben degros venture vs thunder

Ben Degros

Ben also has a popular Youtube channel where he regularly reviews boards, trucks, wheels and shoes. His reputation online is highly respected, and he wanted to be able to offer decks that matched his viewers’ high expectations.

Blank skateboard decks

Finding the world’s best blank decks

The first thing we did was to reach out to all the best woodshops in the world. We sampled the best blank decks from the US, Canada, Mexico and China.

Ben Degros, who was responsible for testing and evaluating the boards, quickly rejected the woodshops that didn’t meet expectations.

To determine the quality of the blank decks, Ben was judging them on the following criteria:

  • Overall quality of the board and any manufacturing defects
  • How the board held up over time
  • Shape and size
  • Overall skateability

After evaluating many good samples, we ordered our first shipment of what we believed was the best blank deck: we call it our “OG shape”.


When we first launched our OG shape, we had complaints from other brands and shops, because we told our customers exactly where our decks were made.

Top skate brands didn’t want skaters to know that our blank decks were the same quality as their expensive pro decks, and are made in the same factories.

We were forced to remove the information from our website and social media.

Best blank decks: OG shape

An instant classic, the OG shape continues to be our best seller to this day. Our goal is to keep sizes 7.75 through 9.0 in stock, but certain sizes sell out quickly! With our commitment to creating value for skaters, they sell for only $59 CAD (approximately $43 USD), including your choice of Jessup or MOB grip and free hardware (valued at $15 CAD or $11 USD).

Ben’s reviews of the OG shape

Check out Ben Degros original reviews of our OG shape:

Customer reviews of the OG shape

Below find some reviews of the OG shape by our customers:

New exciting shapes

After choosing the best blank deck, we wanted to keep moving forward with new projects. Our ambition was to launch our first graphic deck, and to select a few more shapes to offer as blanks.

Steep & Sturdy shape, one of the best blank decks chosen by Ben Degros

Best blank decks: Steep & sturdy shape

The next shape that Ben Degros chose for Canada Skate Shop, was the Steep & sturdy shape. These amazing blank decks have a slightly steep nose and tail which gives the board tons of pop. The concave in nice and mellow, making the deck very stable when setting up for tricks. Our goal is to keep sizes 8.0 though 8.5 in stock at $59 CAD a deck. We offer our customers free grip tape and hardware with every deck purchase.

Ben’s review of the Steep & sturdy shape

Check out Ben Degros original review of our Steep & sturdy shape:

Customer reviews of the Steep & Sturdy shape

Below find some reviews of the OG shape by our customers:

Best blank decks: Blunt shape

The last shape that Ben selected for Canada Skate Shop was the blunt shape. With an FA style nose and tail (more squared) and a short wheelbase this is a fun shape that Ben was eager to get in stock.

The blunt shape is available in a variety of stains. We have sizes 8.0, 8.25 and 8.5 in stock for only $59, with grip tape and hardware included.

Our first graphic deck

When we heard that our first order of custom graphic decks were on their way, we were excited. But once the shipment arrived we were very disappointed.

Even though we had ordered samples and tested everything before hand, the wood shop we ordered from sent us decks in the wrong shape, in low quality wood and with sticky paint! 200 boards that we couldn’t sell to our customers at full price because of poor quality.

Ben’s departure

After receiving this bad batch of custom graphic decks, Ben’s heart sank. He didn’t feel like he wanted to continue with our project and felt defeated. Who can blame him!

Unfortunately Ben decided to end our partnership and left Canada Skate Shop.

But Ben Degros’ legacy still lives on at Canada Skate Shop as we strive to keep the high quality blank decks that he sourced for us in stock and available to skaters across North America. Don’t hesitate to try out one of the best blank decks according to Ben Degros!

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